Statistical Analysis for Education and Psychology Researchers

(Jeff_L) #1

Table 8.11: Reading accuracy scores for pupils in

the reading recovery programme

(^) Reading Score
Subject Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Total Score
1 5 7 12 24
2 4 6 15 25
3 4 7 8 19
4 6 7 13 26
5 3 5 6 14
Occasion Totals 22 32 54 GT=108
Steps in Computation
To compute F-ratios, the usual sums of squares have to be computed, the degrees of
freedom determined, and mean square terms calculated.
Step 1: Compute sums of squares
a) Sums of squares between treatments (conditions) SS(bet)
This term is evaluated using the following formula:

Sums of squares

between subjects



Ts=Total score for all subjects at each measurement occassion
nj=Number in the jth subgroup (treatment group)
nt=Number of treatments (conditions)
ns=Number of subjects
xi=Individual score

b) Sums of squares for subjects within treatments SS(subj)
The subjects sums of squares are given by:

Sums of squares

for subjects

Statistical analysis for education and psychology researchers 328
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