Statistical Analysis for Education and Psychology Researchers

(Jeff_L) #1

Covary, 9
Cramer’s V, 174–175
Cronbach’s alpha (See Reliability coefficients)
Crossed factorial design, 14
Curvilinear relationship, 210

Data, 1
binary, 162
categorical, 18
enumeration, 19
individual ranked, 162
input using CARDS statement in SAS, 228–229
measurement, 19
nominal (multi-category), 162
quantitative, 18
ordered category, 162
Dataset, 122
confirmatory, 122
training, 122
Data transformations 152, 347
for positively skewed data, 152, 154
for negatively skewed data, 158
(See Arcsine and Logarithmic transformations)
Degrees of fireedom 70
in split plot ANOVA, 343
Denominator of F-test in fixed, random and split plot designs, 340
between means, 125
(See t-test, 295)
between means and F-ratio, 313
(See also Analysis of variance),
between two correlations, 295
in proportions or percentage, 175–181

Effect size, 134
Effects in ANOVA
fixed, 13
interaction, 338
main, 342
random, 13
simple, 342
Error variance in ANOVA, 313
Estimate statement in SAS,
(See planned comparisons of means)
Estimating sample size, 136
for difference in means independent groups, 139
for difference in means related groups, 141
for difference in proportions, 136
with two-group two-period cross-over design, 138
Estimation, 86
and inference, 86

Index 413
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