Statistical Analysis for Education and Psychology Researchers

(Jeff_L) #1

Estimator(s), 76
properties of, 77
Eta, 210
Experimental design, 313
comparative, 313
split plot 313–314
true, 313
Experimentwise error, 329–330

F-statistic in ANOVA, 317
and relationship with t-statistic, 269
Factor, 13
in experimental design, 13, 313
level of, 313
stratifying, 35
Factorial(!), 98, 178
Fisher Neyman-Pearson debate, 116–117
Friedman’s ANOVA by ranks (related data), 243
using SAS procedure PROC FREQ, 247
worked example, 245–247
Fisher’s exact test (for small sample sizes), 184
worked example, 184–185
Fixed treatment effect, 80
in ANOVA, 315, 331, 340
Fixed marginals, 166
Fixed format data entry, 39
Frequency bar chart, 52
Full effects model in ANOVA, 316

General Linear Model, 80, 254
assumptions, 319
random error in, 254
Generalizability, 4

Harmonic mean, 140
Homogeneity of variance and t-test, 297
Homoscedasticity, 260
Hypergeometric distribution, 182
Hypothesis, 86, 108
alternative, 109
null, 93, 109
research, 109
statistical, 109–110
testing, 86

Independent t-test (See t-test)
worked example, 303–304
Influential observation, 49
Initial data analysis, 34
Integer, 22

Index 414
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