Statistical Analysis for Education and Psychology Researchers

(Jeff_L) #1

Inter-rater reliability (See Reliability coefficients)
Interaction effect(s), 14, 338
Interquartile range, 57
Interval, 60
class, 58
stated limits, 60–61
mid-point, 61
(See Scales of Measurement, Confidence Interval)

Kruskal-Wallis One-way Analysis of Variance, 237
use with r×k contingency tables, 242–243
using SAS procedure PROC NPAR1WAY, 240
worked example, 237–239
Kuder-Richardson, K-R 20 (See Reliability coefficients)
Kurtosis, 67

Least squares in regression, 256
Linear regression (See regression analysis)
worked example, 264–267
Logarithmic transformation, 152
using SAS data step, 152–153

Main effect(s), 14
Mann-Whitney U statistic, 222
(See Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test)
Mean, 65
geometric, 66
of binomial variable, 99
trimmed, 66
weighted, 65
(See harmonic)
Mean Square in regression, 282
Means only model in ANOVA, 317
(See Full effects model)
Measurement, 19
continuous, 22
discrete, 22
error, 4
validity, 2
reliability, 2–3
Median, 64, 76
Missing values, 35
Mode, 64
Multicollinearity, 263
Multinomial distribution, 182
Multiple correlation R, 282
Multiple regression, 124
model, 257

Newman-Keuls test, 330

Index 415
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