Statistical Analysis for Education and Psychology Researchers

(Jeff_L) #1

Non-probability sample, 8
Nonparametric test procedures, 120
Normal distribution, 66

One-way Analysis of variance, 14
(See Analysis of variance, ANOVA)
worked example for related, 332–335
worked example for unrelated, 321–324
One tailed test, 308
Outlier observation, 49
Overlay plot with SAS procedure PROC REG, 273

Parameter, 76, 79
Parametric test procedures, 119
Partial correlation (See correlation)
worked example, 294
Partialling out, 294
Pearson’s correlation (See correlation)
worked example, 287–291
Percentile (norms), 27, 56
Phi coefficient, 174–75
Planned comparisons of means, 317
following F-test, 328–329
and LSMEANS statement in SAS, 329
Polynomial term, 258
Population, 7
Post-hoc comparison of means, 317
following F-test, 329
Power (See Statistical power)
Prediction in regression, 257, 259
Probability, 87
binomial, 95–98
model, 92
nature of, 85–87
Probable limits, 108
PROC GLM in SAS (See ANOVA analysis)
Product multinomial distribution, 183
Proportions test, 187
(difference in percentages)
worked example, 189–191

Quartile(s), 56

R-square, 282
adjusted 282
unadjusted, 282
Random marginals, 166–167
Random treatment effect in ANOVA, 331–340
Random selection, 91
Random variable, 91

Index 416
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