Statistical Analysis for Education and Psychology Researchers

(Jeff_L) #1

corrected total, 323
Type I, II and III in SAS, 328
Survey types, 7
causal comparative, 7
longitudinal, 7
prospective, 7
retrospective, 7

t-test, 295–312
critical value using SAS function TINV, 310
independent, 295–307
nonparametric analogue, 221
paired or related sample, 307–312
table of critical value, 385
test assumptions, 298
and pooled variance estimate, 297, 304
and separate variance estimate, 297, 302
and guidelines for practical use, 298–299
and using SAS procedure PROC TTEST, 306
(See Confidence Interval)
Test content (criterion, domain and norm referenced), 27
Test statistic, 74, 92–93
sampling distribution of, 93
standard error of, 104–105
Test reliability, 29
Tied ranks, 21
in SAS procedure PROC CORP, 214
Treatment effects in ANOVA, 316
(see Fixed treatment effects, Random treatment effects, Full effects)
Two tailed test, 308
Type I Error, 113, 132
and Type II Error, 114

Univariate Analysis of variance, 314

Validity, 2–3
concurrent, 29
construct, 3, 18, 29
content, 28
external, 4, 12
internal, 11
predictive, 29
statistical conclusion, 3
Variable(s), 3, 17–18
confounding, 11
criterion, 9
dependent, 11
explanatory, 9
independent, 9
predictor, 9
nominal, 19

Index 419
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