Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Wang) #1

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62 Part 1: Principles/Food Analysis

Table 4.2.(Continued)

Inhibition Targeted Toward the Enzyme Inhibition Targeted Toward the Substrate

Processing Enzymes Inhibitors Removal of Oxygen Removal of Phenols

Inhibition Targeted
Toward the Products

High pressure
(600–900 Mpa)

Honey (peptide∼600 Da
and antioxidants)
Supercritical carbon
dioxide (58 atm, 43◦C)


Ultrafiltration Acidulants
Citric acid (0.5–2% w/v)
Malic acid
Phosphoric acid
Ultrasonication Chitosan
Employment of edible

Source:Adapted from Marshall et al. 2000.

Morais 2001, Kaaber et al. 2002, Valverde et al. 2010); pre-
treatments employing sodium or calcium chloride and lactic
acid followed by conventional blanching (Severini et al. 2003);
combination of sodium chlorite and calcium propionate (Guan
and Fan 2010); high-pressure treatments combined with thermal
treatments and chemical anti-browning agents such as ascor-
bic acid (Prestamo et al. 2000, Ballestra et al. 2002) or natural
anti-browning agents like pineapple juice (Perera et al. 2010);
and UV-C light treatment of fresh-cut vegetables under nonther-
mal conditions (Manzocco et al. 2009) have been employed to
prevent enzymatic browning in foods.
The use of edible coating from whey protein isolate-beeswax
(Perez-Gago et al. 2003); edible coatings enriched with natu-
ral plant extracts (Ponce et al. 2008); oxygen-controlled atmo-
spheres (Jacxsens et al. 2001, Soliva-Fortuny et al. 2001, Duan
et al. 2009), and the use of active films (Endo et al. 2008) seem
to improve the shelf life of foods by inhibition of PPO.
Biotechnological approaches may be also employed for the
control of PPO (Rodov 2007). Transgenic fruits carrying an an-
tisense PPO gene show a reduction in the amount and activity of
PPO, and the browning potential of transgenic lines are reduced
compared with the non-transgenic ones (Murata et al. 2000,
Murata et al. 2001). These procedures may be used to prevent
enzymatic browning in a wide variety of food crops without the
application of various food additives (Coetzer et al. 2001).


The Maillard Reaction

Nonenzymatic browning is the most complex reaction in food
chemistry because a large number of food components are able to
participate in the reaction through different pathways, giving rise
to a complex mixture of products (Olano and Mart ́ınez-Castro
2004). It is referred to as the Maillard reaction when it takes
place between free amino groups from amino acids, peptides,
or proteins and the carbonyl group of a reducing sugar. The

historical perspective showed by Finot (2005) shows the great
importance of Maillard reaction on food science and nutrition.
The Maillard reaction is one of the main reactions causing
deterioration of proteins during processing and storage of foods.
This reaction can promote nutritional changes such as loss of nu-
tritional quality (attributed to the destruction of essential amino
acids) or reduction of protein digestibility and amino acid avail-
ability (Malec et al. 2002).
The Maillard reaction covers a whole range of complex
transformations (Figure 4.4) that produces a large number
of the so-called Maillard reaction products (MRPs) such as
aroma compounds, ultraviolet absorbing intermediates, and
dark-brown polymeric compounds named melanoidins (Kim and
Lee 2008a). It can be divided into three major phases: the early,
intermediate, and advanced stages. The early stage (Figure 4.5)
consists of the condensation of primary amino groups of amino
acids, peptides, or proteins with the carbonyl group of reducing
sugars (aldose), with loss of a molecule of water, leading, via for-
mation of a Schiff’s base and Amadori rearrangement, to the so-
called Amadori product (1-amino-1-deoxi-2-ketose), a relatively
stable intermediate (Feather et al. 1995). The Heyns compound
is the analogous compound when a ketose is the starting sugar. In
many foods, theε-amino group of the lysine residues of proteins
is the most important source of reactive amino groups, but be-
cause of blockage, these lysine residues are not available for di-
gestion, and consequently the nutritive value decreases (Brands
and van Boekel 2001, Machiels and Istasse 2002). Amadori
compounds are precursors of numerous compounds that are im-
portant in the formation of characteristic flavors, aromas, and
brown polymers. They are formed before the occurrence of sen-
sory changes; therefore, their determination provides a very sen-
sitive indicator for early detection of quality changes caused by
the Maillard reaction (Olano and Mart ́ınez-Castro 2004).
The intermediate stage leads to breakdown of Amadori com-
pounds (or other products related to the Schiff’s base) and the
formation of degradation products, reactive intermediates (3-
deoxyglucosone), and volatile compounds (formation of flavor).
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