Mathematical Tools for Physics

(coco) #1
12—Tensors 377

g^11 =g(~e^1 ,~e^1 ) = 1/ 2
g^12 =g(~e^1 ,~e^2 ) =− 1 /


g^21 =g(~e^2 ,~e^1 ) =− 1 /


g^22 =g(~e^2 ,~e^2 ) = 2






1 / 2 − 1 /


− 1 /

2 2


The mixed components are

g^11 =g(~e^1 ,~e 1 ) = 1
g^12 =g(~e^1 ,~e 2 ) = 0
g^21 =g(~e^2 ,~e 1 ) = 0
g^22 =g(~e^2 ,~e 2 ) = 1










1 0

0 1



I usedrandcfor the indices to remind you that these are the row and column variables. Multiply the first two
matrices together and you obtain the third one — the unit matrix. The matrix




is therefore the inverse of

the matrix




. This last result isnotgeneral, but is due to the special nature of the tensorg.
The question arises as before: how do you compute the components of a tensor in one basis when the
components are given in another basis. The question is answered as before: It is a problem in geometry to express
the new basis vectors in terms of the old one.
~e′i=aji~ej (34)

The covariant components in the new system are (say for a second rank tensor)

Tij′ =T(~e′i, ~ej′) =T(aki~ek, a`j~e`) =akia`jTk` (35)

Analogous equations will hold for the contravariant indices provided that you can find the reciprocal basis
vectors in the transformed system. That is, you need the vectors reciprocal to the~e′iin terms of the vectors
reciprocal to~ei. Assume a relation:

You must find theb’s in terms of thea’s. The relationship must come from reciprocity relationships. Required:









=bkia`j~ek.~e`=bkia`jδk`=bkiakj (36)
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