Mathematical Tools for Physics

(coco) #1
Index 470

chain rule, 27, 211 , 212, 241
characteristic equation, 190, 197, 198
characteristic polynomial, 205
charged rings, 52
Chebyshev polynomial, 166
checkerboard, 306
chemistry, 166
circuit, 140
circulation density, 404
Coast and Geodetic Survey, 217
combinatorial factor, 40, 58
commutative law, 143
commutator, 206
comparison test, 34–36
complete, 159
complete the square, 38, 454
complex variable, 418–444, 453
conjugate, 71 , 123, 152, 154, 419
exponential 67, 68, 76, 78, 80, 86, 123,
integral 421
logarithm 73
mapping 73, 81
number 65 , 435
polar form 69, 71
square root 66, 72
trigonometry 70
component, 119, 121, 132, 148– 149 , 150, 160,
168, 177, 360–391
not 382
operator 173–199
composition, 181, 182, 187, 392
conductivity, 283, 284, 285, 308, 359

conservative field, 406
constraint, 228, 230, 232
continuity condition, 269, 279
contour integral, 421 , 426, 427, 453, 460
examples 427–434, 440
contour map, 217
contravariant, 374–378, 386, 389
convergence, 158
convergence test, 35
absolute, 37
non 319
speed 136, 288, 309, 319
convolution, 455, 465
coordinate, 263, 381–391
basis 382
change 213
cylindrical 220, 224, 260, 265, 310
non-orthogonal 382, 385
polar 219
rectangular 219, 257
spherical 220, 224, 260, 265
correlation matrix, 341
cosine transform, 462
covariant, 374–378, 389
cross section, 234–239
absorption 234
scattering 234
crystal, 172, 356, 373
curl, 254 , 261, 271, 408
components 262, 264
data compression, 338
daughter, 113
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