Mathematical Tools for Physics

(coco) #1
Index 474

Lagrange multiplier, 229 –233, 245, 340, 343
Laguerre, 92, 349
Lanczos, 329
Laplace, 144, 299, 301, 310
Laplacian, 268, 313
Laurent series, 422, 427, 445, 446
Lax-Friedrichs, 346, 351
Lax-Wendroff, 346, 351
least square, 227, 337, 338, 349
least upper bound, 152
Lebesgue, 15
Legendre, 60, 92, 106–109, 118, 161, 202, 244,
276, 313, 328, 351
Leibnitz, 211
length of curve, 396
limit cycle, 319
line integral, 400 , 407, 422
linear charge density, 55
difference equation, 335, 351
equations 26, 100
function 355
functional 356, 359
independence 148
transformation 172
linearity, 169 , 171, 392
Lobatto integration, 351
logarithm, 3, 31, 73, 100, 439
longitude, latitude, 220
Lorentz force, 411
magnetic field, 225, 242, 277, 379, 391
tensor 205, 370
magnetic flux, 411

magnetic monopole, 415
manifold, 380, 381, 388
mass density, 222, 266, 275
matrix, 154, 174 –199, 338, 363
as operator 186
column 151, 155, 175, 186, 203, 366, 369
diagonal 188
diagonalize? 196
identity 183
inverse transpose 377
multiplication 175 , 182
scalar product 154
Maxwell’s equations, 145, 409, 415
means, 64
messy and complicated, 89
metric tensor, 360, 375 , 378, 386, 389
microwave, 300
midpoint integration, 14, 325
M ̈obius strip, 404
nthmean, 64
natural boundary, 450
gravity, 265–270, 276, 278
method 317
nilpotent, 206
noise, 342, 350
norm, 151 –158, 162, 228
normal modes, 105, 153
operator, 168, 172 –199
components 174 , 193
differential 124, 181
exponential 60, 243
inverse 183
rotation 168, 175, 184
translation 205
vector 265
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