Mathematical Tools for Physics

(coco) #1
Index 476

reality, 296, 315
reciprocal basis, 373 , 377, 381, 383, 393
reciprocal vector, 387
rectifier, 138
regular point, 91
regular singular point, 91
relation, 355
relativity, 57, 388
residue, 427 , 461
residue theorem, 427
resistor, 241, 245
resonance, 129
Reynolds’ transport theorem, 411, 415
Riemann Integral, 12, 421
Riemann Surface, 435, 436 , 437, 438, 447
Riemann-Stieljes integral, 15, 204
rigid body, 169, 176, 189, 354
roots of unity, 72
rotation, 168, 172, 175, 184, 254, 261, 367
components 176
composition 183
roundoff error, 335, 349
Runge-Kutta, 329, 352
Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg, 331
saddle point, 227, 228, 244
scalar product, 121, 130, 152 –158, 161, 162,
292, 302, 356, 372, 384
scattering, 234–239
Schwarzenegger, 218
secant method, 320
semiperimeter, 26
separated solution, 292
separation of variables, 98 , 285 –307

series, 30–46
series of series, 37
absolute convergence, 37
common 31
comparison test 34, 36
convergence 34, 56
differential equation 91, 115
double 306, 330
examples 30
exponential 204
faster convergence 59
Frobenius 92 –95, 422
geometric 204
hyperbolic sine 293
integral test 35
Laurent 422
power 32, 257, 315
ratio test 34
rearrange 37
secant 38, 56
telescoping 59, 138
two variables 38, 58
sheet, 436, 439
dσ/dΩ, 235–239, 246
similarity transformation, 193
simple closed curve, 427
simply-connected, 407, 408
Simpson’s rule, 325
simultaneous equations, 100, 104
sine integral, 135, 140
sine transform, 462
singular point, 91
singularity, 423, 427, 441
sketching, 21
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