Mathematical Tools for Physics

(coco) #1
Index 477

snowplow, 113
Sobolev, 165
solenoid, 225
solid angle, 233 , 235
space, 380
specific heat, 208, 283
spectral density, 464
Spiderman, 64√

2 , 158
square-integrable, 144, 147
stainless steel, 308
Stallone, 218
sterradian, 234
Stirling’s formula, 40 , 59, 232
stock market, 118
Stokes’ Theorem, 405, 409
strain, 255
stress, 359
stress-strain, 356
string, 162
Sturm-Liouville, 311
sum of cosines, 80
Sumerians, 1
summation by parts, 19
summation convention, 196 , 204, 271, 374
sun, 278
superposition, 298
surface integral, 249, 252, 405, 409, 411
closed 256
examples 250
symmetric, 370

tails, 10

Taylor series, 32, 423, 425, 445
telescoping series, 59, 138
temperature, 232
distribution 290, 294
of slab 286
oscillation 288
profile 288
tensor, 168, 255, 355
component 361
contravariant components 375
field 381
inertia 171, 176–180, 189, 202, 354, 359,
370, 392
metric 360, 386, 389
rank 359 , 360, 371, 372, 375
stress 359 , 381
totally antisymmetric 371
transpose 369
Texas A&M, 143
time average, 132
time of travel, 398
torque, 170, 189
tough integral, 54
trace, 154
transformation, 168
area 185
basis 367, 386
composition 187
determinant 185, 393
electromagnetic field 390, 391, 394
linear 172
Lorentz 388–389, 391
matrix 387
orthogonal 377
similarity 168, 193, 194 , 195, 206
transport theorem, 411
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