Mathematical Tools for Physics

(coco) #1

Numerical Recipesby Press et al. Cambridge Press The standard current compendium surveying techniques
and theory, with programs in one or another language.

A Brief on Tensor Analysisby James Simmonds. Springer This is the only text on tensors that I will
recommend. To anyone. Under any circumstances.

Linear Algebra Done Rightby Axler. Springer Don’t let the title turn you away. It’s pretty good.

Advanced mathematical methods for scientists and engineersby Bender and Orszag. Springer Material
you won’t find anywhere else, and well-written. “...a sleazy approximation that provides good physical insight
into what’s going on in some system is far more useful than an unintelligible exact result.”

Probability Theory: A Concise Courseby Rozanov. Dover Starts at the beginning and goes a long way in
148 pages. Clear and explicit and cheap.

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