(Barré) #1

Daring New Clothes
You're a man, and you like the way a bright orange tie looks
with your suit, or, if you are a woman, you have just bought a
rather extravagant blouse.
(A) You decide to wear it to work.
(B) You won't wear it to work, but you will wear it socially.
(C) You return it the next day and wonder what silly impulse
made you buy it in the first place.

The Nasty Supervisor
You're working on a job, and your new supervisor is obnoxious.
(A) You tell him off.
(B) You treat him coolly.
(C) You pretend there's nothing wrong.

The Pickup

On a business trip, you meet a stranger on a plane and he/she is
attractive, but you know nothing about him/her. She/he suggests
that you meet for dinner that night.
(A) Sure. It might be fun.
(B) You suggest a foursome with another couple you know.
(C) Regretfully, you decline.


The company you work for is relocating to a new area you know
nothing about. They offer you better pay to relocate.
(A) You take it. It could be a good place to live, and the salary
is worth it.

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