(Barré) #1

(B) You spend every minute down to the wire trying to guess
what is right, to go or stay. Eventually you go because
who knows if another job is available here?
(C) You decide not to go because you're too attached to the
house and town you live in.

The Unknown Candidate
You're with a group of business associates discussing politics,
and they mention a candidate whose name is unfamiliar.
(A) You ask who the candidate is.
(B) You join in carefully, hoping your ignorance won't be de-
(C) You keep your mouth shut until the subject changes.

The Fabulous Vacation

Your vacation is coming up and a fellow worker tells you of a
fabulous place she's gone to and urges you, if you want to go, to
make a reservation at once. They're almost full up.
(A) You take her advice and make the reservation.
(B) Before you decide, you ask for more details and the names
of other people who liked it.
(C) You settle for a place you know.

The Wrong Order

Your boss gives you an order you know is wrong.
(A) You question the order and tell him why.
(B) You do as he tells you, but feel uneasy all day. What if
things go wrong and he blames you?

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