(Barré) #1

Pete shrugged. "He kept fidgeting with that golf club. He just
ignored my clothes. What a disappointment."
"What now, Pete?"
"Well ..." He chewed his lip. "I just picked up this book
on power through intimidation. Next time I might try a navy blue
suit and a yellow tie ..."
Poor Pete. He had a simple problem. He didn't really understand
what power is. He assumed that the subtext of power was power
itself. He had read that powerful men dress in a certain way,
and he made the false assumption that dressing that way would
give him power.
Power, however, is a more subtle thing than the way you dress,
the way you move or sit. Pete was thrown off course when he
ran up against one of those rare men who are uninterested in the
trappings of power that Pete expected.
The boss who interviewed him had enough power to disregard
all outward appearances. He could dress as he pleased, act as
he pleased, fidget when he wanted to. There was no way Pete
could play any power games with a man like that.
The only power Pete had was his knowledge of CADD. This
"power" eventually got him an excellent job. He had left his
resume with the boss's secretary, and she sent it on to personnel.
There his strength was recognized, and he was called back for
another interview.
"Forget what you read about power," I advised him. "Just be
straightforward and don't play games."
"Are you sure I shouldn't try a navy blue suit and a yellow
"Do you want the job, Pete?"
"You know I do."

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