(Barré) #1

What is it that differentiates people who seem able to handle
power and don't have to rely on artificial subtexts from those
who can't handle it and must constantly bolster their images?
One possible answer may come out of an ongoing study being
conducted by a team of young sociologists at a major university.
"We've been studying people who are unable to handle power
comfortably," the senior researcher told me. "We do personality
profiles on them, and match the results against the profiles of
other people who have no trouble with power."
"What have you found out?" I asked.
"It's too early for any firm results, but preliminary results seem
to show that people who handle power wisely are more secure in
their personalities, better able to cope with life in general."
"I think I could have figured that out from observation alone,"
I said.
"Sure you could, but we want scientific validation."
Even if his research assures him that secure people are better
equipped to handle power, it will not lessen power's attraction to
the insecure.


There is nothing wrong with wanting power. Some people have a
need for it, and are able to handle it. If you want power and you
need it, how do you go about getting it?
The question of whether you go for power in any situation is a
deeply personal one, and the answer must be based on your individ-
ual power motivation, your own power profile.
There are guidelines that can help you to determine your power
profile. They can help you to discover what direction to take in

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