(Barré) #1

terms of power: Will you be content to be a follower? Should
you strive to become a leader? Or should you stay independent
and neutral?
Here is a test that can aid you in understanding your own
relationship to power covering four elements. Try to answer the
questions by putting yourself in each situation and as honestly
as possible decide how you would react.

People who are uncomfortable with power tend to be interior people.
Usually they are creative, no matter what their field, and often
they are self-sufficient, able to spend time alone.
Exterior people are more practical. They are very comfortable
with other people, and like to manage other people. They
can also handle power well, are comfortable with it, and usually
desire it.
The first step in discovering your power profile is to find out
whether you are an interior or exterior person. Answering the
following questions will give you some insight into your own person-
ality, whether you should go after power or whether you'd be ill
advised to try. Read each situation and the three possible solutions,
then pick the answer with which you feel most at ease.

Love and Marriage

It's that time of life. You have a good job and some direction
to your life. The singles scene is out. Time to settle down.
What kind of a mate do you want?
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