(Barré) #1

such a positive response at an interview. And then—there were
all kinds of things. Nothing overt, but—well, the vibes were right."
"Vibes?" I asked.
"Well, I know you'd call it subtext, and I guess it was. It was
something I couldn't put my finger on."
"You flirted with each other?"
He hesitated. "Flirting is too strong a word. It was a whole
group of little things like when we discussed sales strategy. There's
nothing romantic in sales strategy, but the way we talked about
it, and only to each other, the words we used ... I'd be stupid
not to realize that something was going on."
"What about body language?"
"Well, we'd come in close when we talked about a client, as
if we were sharing a secret."
"You mean you shared personal space?"
"Exactly. It was a little strange, at first, but I kind of liked it,
and I found myself responding. We were alone in the office one
night, going over some contracts. Why were we working late?"
He shrugged. "I think it was both our faults. I'd set up a situation
where we just couldn't get all the work done in time for the next
day's board meeting. She went along with my little conspiracy.
And then—it was our first kiss—and our last."
"Why your last?"
"Because I suddenly realized what was going on. Look, she
was five years older, a lot smarter, and on her way up. I was
just getting started in the firm. Sure, I've heard of people sleeping
their way to the top, but I just thought it would be professional
suicide. I didn't want a real commitment at that time. Suppose
she did? I'd be on the spot if our romance went sour for any
reason. I'd be in deep trouble. I did the most sensible thing I
could. I backed off and went job hunting right away!"

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