(Barré) #1

that it was just friendly ribbing, and when I refused to go along
with it, it became a lot more serious.
"Sometimes, they'd deliberately brush against me as they passed
Sometimes it would be a so-called harmless pat on my behind. I
knew the subtext behind all the innuendos and suggestions. It
was out-and-out sexual harassment!
"I finally went to the boss to complain. I hated to, but I couldn't
handle it. He listened, then looked at me as if I were crazy.
'Hey, it's just the guys. What the hell, they don't mean anything
by it. That's just the way the guys are.' "
Jane's experience is not at all unique. In fact, it's a very common
situation. The joking and leering seem to be purely sexual on
the surface, but there is usually a deeper subtext, especially when
a woman is doing a job traditionally viewed as man's work. Then
the subtext is envy and anger, a buried male resentment against
women striving for equality, a resentment that surfaces as sexual
innuendo and is, in reality, sexual harassment.


Could Jane have taken her case to court? Probably, but it would
have been a hard fight. Only a handful of cases brought by women
complaining of sexual harassment have produced grounds for legal
action. The reason? The courts are often unsympathetic; there is
always fear of reprisals; and the resolution of a case can take
years, prolonging any emotional turmoil and creating a serious
financial drain. Many women are understandably reluctant to be-
come embroiled in such a difficult situation.
But this is changing as women continue to enter the workplace
in increasing numbers. Employers, either realizing the importance

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