(Barré) #1

Autonomic nervous system, 130—31
Awkwardness, 44

Bakker, Tammy Faye, 17
BBDO International, 13
Beards, 162
Belgium, 212
Bill Blass products, 178
Blinking, 129
Blushing, 130-31
Body language, 58-91
blindness to, 66-67
eye contact, see Eye contact
gestures, see Gestures
posture, see Posture
selling and, 180, 185-86, 190-
space, see Space
Bork, Judge Robert H., 10
Broadcast News, 40
Bush, George, 17
Business executives, 11, 13—14
clothes and, 24-28, 30-31
first names and, 23—24
hair and, 28-30
Janus Factor and, 16-17
mask and, 15-16
Business Periodical Index, 159

Caesar, Sid, 42
Campbell Soup Company, 201
Carson, Johnny, 14
Carter, Jimmy, 4, 11, 53
Cervenka, Edward, 76, 78
Chanel perfume, 177
Charisma, 156
Chicago Seven, 82-83
body language blindness and, 66

control and, 20
empathy and, 110
eye contact and, 129
mask and, 18
power and, 155-56
touch and, 53
Chow, Mina, 10
Churchill, Winston, 85
Clark, Bill, 31
Clark University, 8
Clothing, 4-5, 24-28, 30-34, 80
at job interviews, 160-62
Coldness and withdrawal, 60, 72
Colors, 24, 25, 26, 33, 161
Commercials, 12-13
Competence, 15, 24, 25, 28, 49, 80
Concern, 53, 109
Confidence, 23, 26
flexibility and, 108-9
risk and, see Risk taking
selling and, 181-82
Control, 20-22, 49, 164
Coping, 35-37
Corry, John, 10, 11-12
Creating the right image for any situa-
tion, 11-14
Cronkite, Walter, 40
Cultural differences:
eye contact and, 63—64, 129
gestures, 71—73
time and, 140-41
touch and, 53, 55-56
see also Global workplace
Cunning, 156

Dale, Orville, 229-30
Dancy, John, 10
Dangerous liaisons, see Romance in
the office
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