(Barré) #1

Law, 31-34
Leadership, 151-54
becoming a leader, 154-55
CEO, 151-52
the method, 152
the order, 153
scoring the questions, 153—54
Leaning forward or back, 81, 83
job interview and, 164-65
selling and, 179-80
Learning to risk, 100-105
Class-A risks, 103-5
Class-B risks, 103
Class-C risks, 102—3
easy risks, 101
face-to-face risks, 101—2
Lies, 120-34
acting and, 132
anger and, 131-32
autonomic nervous system and,
blinking and, 129
blushing or growing pale and, 130-
eye contact and, 129
eye pupil changes, 130
facial clues, 123-24
gestures and, 133—34
"gut feelings" about, 120-21
lie detector, 121-23
manipulators and, 134
mask and, 132—33
microexpressions and, 127-28
nervous fidgeting and, 134
smiles and, 124-26, 132
subliminal messages and, 127—28,
sweating and, 131
tears and, 130

time and, 131
timing and, 131
truth and, 133
"unmatched" face and, 131
Loneliness, 75, 113
Los Angeles Management Counselors
Association, 165
Love, 51
Low-key image, 195

McLuhan, Marshall, 14
Makeup, 28
job interviews and, 161
Making an impression, 9-11
Male and Female (Mead), 81
Manipulators, 134
Maniscalco, Louise, 27
Marchand, Philip, 14-15, 23
Mask, 14-22
control and, 20-22
defined, 14
Janus Factor, 16-17
lies and, 132
putting on the, 14-16
using the, 19-20
wearing the, 17-19
Massage, 54
Mathis, Robert, 199
Matz, Joyce, 28
Maytag, 178
Mead, Margaret, 11, 81
Melody, 41-42
Method acting, 110-11,
MGM, 230
Microexpressions, 127—28
Minorities, 32
"Morning in America" commercials,
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