(Barré) #1

Muskie, Edmund, 17
Mystery, 14, 15-16

Nelson, Jim, 120-21
Nervous fidgeting, 134
Nervousness, 74-75
New School for Social Research,
New York, 31
New York Times, The, 14, 55, 61,
85, 111, 230
"Nightline," 14
Nixon, Richard, 17
Nonverbal, physical mannerisms,
Nose rub, 68
Nowicki, Dr. Stephen, 66

O'Brian, Tom, 120-21
Office space, 88-89
Olivetti, 222
Osmond, Donny, 34-35

Paying attention, 82, 84
Peipold, Dr. William E., 91
Pennzoil, 60
Personal Space (Sommer), 207
Pfister, Walter J., Jr., 22-24
Pigott-Smith, Tim, 111
Pitch, 39-41
Playacting, 35—37
Pogrebin, Letty Cottin, 198
Police officers, 31
Politeness, 19
Politicians, 4, 11-14, 22-23
Polygraph machine, 121—23
Posture, 79-86
aggressive, 84—85
aging and, 80

agreement or disagreement and,
81-82, 83
defensive, 85
gender and, 81, 83
insiders or outsiders, 83—84
leaning and, 81, 83, 164-65, 179-
paying attention, 82, 84
reading people's, 81—83
status and, 84
walking, 85-86
Power, 13, 43-44, 135-56
ability to handle, see Ability to
handle power
becoming a leader, 154—55
corrupting tendency of, 138
defined, 138
games of, 138-40, 141
group dynamics and, 154-56
misunderstanding, 135-38
space and, 86-87
telephone and, 139, 141
time and, 140-41
Tommy's takeover, 155-56
Preconceived notions, 10
Private space, 204-8
Arabs and, 204-7
English, 207
French, 207
Germans, 207
Japanese, 208
Private territory, 89, 91
Prologue: The Birth of Architecture
(Auden), 206
Pupillometry, 130
Quayle, Dan, 14-15, 23
Ralph Lauren products, 178
Reading material, 32

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