(Barré) #1

Sex and the Office (Gurley Brown),
Sexual harassment, 199—203
envy and anger and, 200
fighting, 203
legal aspects of, 200-202
other side of the coin, 202—3
Sexuality, 13, 41, 73
touching and, 52, 53, 56
at work, see Romance in the office
Shaking hands, 48-49
job interviews and, 163-64
Shame, 184
Showmanship, 187—89
Sizzle, 187-88
Slang, 45-46
Smiling, 15, 18, 23, 63
asymmetrical, 126, 131
false smile, 125, 126
felt smile, 125-26
lies and, 124-26, 132
Sommer, Dr. Robert, 207
Soviet Union, 224-25
Space, 86-91
culture and, 204-8
height and, 90
introverts and extroverts and,
manipulating, 89-91
office, 88-89
police interrogation and, 90
power and, 86-87
private territory, 89, 91
status and, 87-88
Speech patterns, 4, 6
Spock, Dr. Benjamin, 71
Standard and Poor's Register: Direc-
tors and Executives, 159
Stanislavsky school of acting, 132

eye contact and, 63—64
posture and, 84
space and, 87—88
touch and, 52—53
Strength, 24, 80
Style, 32
Subliminal messages, 127—28, 130
Subtext, 1-8
changing your, 6—8
defined, 1
elements of, 3—6
unconscious, 231—32
Supertalk, see Voice
Suspicion and fear, 117
Sweating, 131
Sweden, 209

Table manners, 5
Taiwan, 219-20
Talland, Dr. G. A., 154
Tears, 130
Teenagers, 18—19
Television, 10-14
Bork nomination, 10
first impressions and, 22
mask and, 14-15, 17
paradox of, 11—12
politicians on, 4, 11—14
voice and, 40
Texaco, 60
Threat, 83
culture and, 140-41
lies and, 131
power and, 140
Tomlin, Lily, 112-13
Touch, 48-57
breaking down resistance, 54—55
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