272 Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014
assets, such as subsoil assets, noncultivated biological
resources, other natural resources, or land, appear on
the balance sheet are explained in paragraph 10.52.
A1.159 Th e eff ects of external events on the value
of assets and liabilities are described in paragraph
10.59. Details on the recording of these events are
provided and include catastrophic losses (see para-
graph 10.60), uncompensated seizures (see paragraph
10.62), and other volume changes not elsewhere classi-
fi ed (see paragraph 10.63).
A1.160 Paragraph 10.83 introduces the reclassifi -
cation of costs of ownership transfer on nonproduced
assets other than land, and the consumption of fi xed
capital relating to these costs. Th e reclassifi cation is
necessary to maintain the integration of stock posi-
tions and fl ows.
A1.161 Paragraph 10.79 elaborates on the reclas-
sifi cations of negotiable securities necessary due to
secondary transactions.
A1.162 Th e reclassifi cation of monetary gold held
in the form of gold bullion when it becomes a reserve
asset is introduced as an example of changes in the
classifi cation of fi nancial assets and liabilities (see
paragraph 10.84).
Cross-Cutting Changes in Terminology
A1.163 Th e following changes in terminology were
made to further clarify the text of the Manual.
- References to GFS system are replaced with GFS
framework—this allows a clear distinction with
the 2008 SNA. - In the context of GFS, references to accounting
principles and periods are replaced by references
to statistical guidelines and reporting periods—this
allows a clear distinction with the use of the term
accounting in source data compilation in the con-
text of public sector accounting. - References to fl ows are replaced by references
to economic fl ows, while it is acknowledged that
fl ows will oft en be used as a short form for eco-
nomic fl ows. - References to the balances of assets and liabili-
ties as stocks are replaced by references to stock
positions—this allows a clear distinction with the
use of the word “stocks” referring to a specifi c
type of fi nancial instrument.- References to net acquisition of nonfi nancial as-
sets are replaced with references to net investment
in nonfi nancial assets—the former term is oft en
misinterpreted as including only the acquisition
minus disposals of nonfi nancial assets, while con-
sumption of fi xed capital should also be included
in this concept. Similar to what is customary in
the case of operating balances, references to net/
gross investment in nonfi nancial assets can now
be used to make a distinction for the including/
excluding of consumption of fi xed capital.
- References to net acquisition of nonfi nancial as-
- References to net lending/borrowing are replaced
with references to net lending/net borrowing, to
enhance the precision in terminology.- References to the Statement of Government Op-
erations are replaced with references to State-
ment of Operations—this allows the use of this
statement for government units as well as public
sector units. - References to other nonrecurrent taxes on prop-
erty (1135) in the GFSM 2001 are replaced with
references to capital levies (1135)—this allows
the terminology in GFS to align with 2008 SNA
terminology. - References to property income attributed to in-
surance policyholders are replaced with refer-
ences to property income from investment income
disbursements—this allows the terminology in
GFS to align with 2008 SNA terminology. - References to the expense for social contributions
(212) are replaced by references to employers’
social contributions (212)—this clarifi es the eco-
nomic nature of this item. Similarly, actual social
contributions (2121) and imputed social contribu-
tions (2122) are replaced with actual employers’
social contributions (2121) and imputed employ-
ers’ social contributions (2122), respectively. - References to the outlays of government are
replaced with references to expenditure—this
eliminates confusion with the use of outlays in
the OECD/UN classifi cation, which include ex-
pense, acquisition of nonfi nancial assets, and
transactions in fi nancial assets and liabilities. - References to nonresidential buildings (61112) are
replaced with references to buildings other than
dwellings (61112)—this allows the terminology
in GFS to align with 2008 SNA terminology.
- References to the Statement of Government Op-