Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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288 Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

Table A2.3 Illustrative Recording of Flows Related to Employment-Related Pension Schemes
Description Debit Credit
3.1 The government makes pension contributions on behalf of its employees to an autonomous pension fund
maintained by an insurance company (i.e., it is part of the private fi nancial corporation sector)
Government pays social
contributions as component of
compensation of employees

2121 Actual employers’ social

3212 / 3318 Currency and deposits /
Other accounts payable^1

3.2 The government makes pension contributions on behalf of its employees to an autonomous pension fund set up by
government as a separate institutional unit (i.e., it is part of the public fi nancial corporation sector)
Government pays social
contributions as component of
compensation of employees

2121 Actual employers’ social

3212 / 3318 Currency and deposits /
Other accounts payable^1

3.3 The government operates a funded nonautonomous pension fund for its employees (i.e., a separate reserve is
maintained in the government account but it is not an institutional unit)
Government pays social
contributions as component of
compensation of employees

2121 Actual employers’ social

3212 / 3318 Currency and deposits /
Other accounts payable^1

Receipts of social contributions by
the pension fund account giving
rise to a liability

3212 / 3218 Currency and deposits /
Other accounts

3316 Insurance, pension, and
standardized guarantee
Government, as owner of
the pension fund account,
receives property income on the
investments of the pension fund

3212 / 3218 Currency and deposits /
Other accounts

1411 / 1412 Interest

Government attributes the
property income to the policy

2813 Property expense for
investment income

3316 Insurance, pension, and
standardized guarantee
Government provides pension
benefi t payments to eligible
benefi ciaries

3316 Insurance, pension, and
standardized guarantee

3212 / 3318 Currency and deposits /
Other accounts payable^1

3.4 Government operates an unfunded nonautonomous pension fund for its employees (i.e., there are no actual
contributions and no separate reserve is maintained in the government account)
Government provides pension
benefi t payments to eligible
benefi ciaries: cash basis of recording

2731 Employment-related
social benefi ts in cash

3212 Currency and deposits

Imputed social contributions as
component of compensation
of employees: accrual basis of

2122 Imputed employers’
social contributions

3316 Insurance, pension, and
standardized guarantee

Government provides pension benefi t
payments to eligible benefi ciaries:
accrual basis of recording

3316 Insurance, pension, and
standardized guarantee

3212 / 3318 Currency and deposits /
Other accounts payable^1

Government recognizes the
increase in liability for benefi t
entitlements due to time passing

2813 Property expense for
investment income

3316 Insurance, pension, and
standardized guarantee
3.5 All defi ned-benefi t schemes can also be subject to other economic fl ows
Pension liabilities increase due to
unilateral changes in conditions
of the scheme

5 Other changes in the
volume of assets and

5316 Insurance, pension, and
standardized guarantee
Pension liabilities increase due to
changes in interest rates used to
calculate the present value of the

4 Holding gains/losses 4316 Insurance, pension, and
standardized guarantee

(^1) In a cash reporting environment, the revenue/expense will be recorded at the time of the cash fl ow. In an accrual reporting environment,
an other account receivable/payable should be recorded in cases where the payment is not made when the eligibility criteria have been met.
(^2) These disbursements will primarily be reinvested in the fund as social contributions, while the portion that will meet the cost of operating
the fund should be recorded as the purchases of a fi nancial service from the pension fund.

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