Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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368 Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

Minus: Actual and imputed sales of goods and ser-
vices (GFS revenue item 142);^19
Minus: Changes in inventories of work in progress and
finished goods (GFS items 31222 and 31223).
A7.58 In GFS, purchases of goods and services that
are transferred to fi nal consumers without further
transformation are classifi ed as social security benefi ts
in kind (GFS expense item 2712), social assistance ben-
efi ts in kind (GFS expense item 2722), employment-
related social benefi ts in kind (GFS expense item 2732),
or the in-kind portion of current transfers not else-
where classifi ed (GFS expense item 2821), depending
on the nature and the organization of the distribution.
A7.59 Th e GFS expense categories for social ben-
efi ts in kind include reimbursements to households
for purchases of goods and services receivable as so-
cial benefi ts in kind, and direct purchases by general
government units of goods and services from market
producers and provided as social benefi ts in kind.
In addition, the GFS item for transfers not elsewhere
classifi ed (2821) may include purchases of goods and
services from market producers that are distributed
directly to households for fi nal consumption other
than social benefi ts. Goods and services produced
by government themselves and subsequently used as
transfers in kind are not reported as in-kind transac-
tions in GFS, but are included in the SNA concept for
social transfers in kind (D63).
A7.60 Because the SNA separately measures
production and distribution of goods and services,
transactions in kind are normally recorded in the
accounts as if they are monetary transfers followed
by the beneficiary spending the transfer to obtain
the goods and services concerned. Therefore, so-
cial transfers in kind (D63) consist of final con-
sumption expenditure undertaken by government
and NPISHs on behalf of households. For this
reason they are described as individual goods and
services. Information on these individual goods
and services may be obtainable from the cross-
classification of the COFOG and economic type of
expense in Table 6A.2. The annex to Chapter 6 lists
the services that are considered individual.

(^19) When an existing good is sold, the amount receivable from its sale
is recorded as negative fi nal consumption expenditure if the initial
outlay on the good was classifi ed as fi nal consumption expenditure.
A7.61 In the SNA, an adjustment is made in the use
of disposable income account, as well as in the use of
adjustment disposable income account for the change
in pension entitlements (D.8). Th is adjustment for the
change in pension entitlements is equal to:
Th e total value of the actual social contributions pay-
able to funded pension schemes,
Plus: The total value of the imputed social con-
tributions payable to employment-related
pension schemes,
Plus: The total value of social contribution sup-
Minus: The value of the associated service charges;
Minus: The total value of the pensions paid out as
pension benefits by the pension schemes.
Th e diff erent treatment of pension schemes eliminates
the need for this adjustment item in the GFS frame-
work (see paragraph 5.95).

Th e accumulation accounts

A7.62 Saving is the balancing item of the last
of the current account in the SNA and the starting
point for the accumulation accounts. Th e fi rst group
of accumulation accounts, comprising the capital
and fi nancial accounts, covers transactions in assets
or liabilities and changes in net worth due to capital
transfers. A second group of accumulation accounts,
comprising the other changes in volume of assets
account and revaluation account, relates to changes
in assets and liabilities caused by factors other than

Th e capital account

A7.63 Th e capital account records transactions
linked to the acquisition of nonfi nancial assets and
capital transfers. Th e account starts with net saving,
the fi nal balancing item of the current accounts, and

8.1 Classifi cation of Transactions in Nonfi nancial Assets

transfers. Th e balancing item is either net lending (+),
which measures the net amount available to fi nance
other sectors, or net borrowing (–) which corresponds
to the net fi nancing from other sectors.
A7.64 Most of the entries in the capital account
of the SNA can be derived from the corresponding
entries in GFS. For example, the gross fi xed capital
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