Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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370 Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

the two datasets. In both datasets, the other changes
in volume of assets are recorded for each type of as-
sets and liabilities. In addition, the SNA also classifi es
these changes according to specifi c events that give
rise to the change in the volume of the assets or li-
abilities. Data are separately recorded for economic
appearance of assets (K1), economic disappearance of
nonproduced nonfi nancial assets (K2), catastrophic
losses (K3), uncompensated seizures (K4), other
changes in volume not elsewhere classifi ed (K5), and
changes in classifi cation (K6). Source data for record-
ing these events should therefore provide for identi-
fi cation of the relevant assets and liabilities, but also
identify the underlying event that caused the change
in the volume.

Th e revaluation account

A7.71 Th e revaluation account in the SNA records
the same holding gains or losses as those recorded
in GFS (GFS items 4***). Th e total value of nominal
holding gains for the general government or public
sector should therefore be the same in the two data-
sets. In addition, the SNA recommends that nominal
holding gains and losses be further subdivided be-
tween neutral and real holding gains and losses. GFS
do not make this distinction:

  • Neutral holding gains and losses (B1031) over a
    period are the increase (decrease) in the value of
    an asset that would be required, in the absence
    of transactions and other changes in the volume
    of assets, to maintain command over the same
    amount of goods and services as at the beginning
    of the period. Th e value is obtained by applying,
    during the same periods of time, an index of the
    change in the general price level to the initial value
    of all assets or liabilities. Th e result of this opera-
    tion is called neutral holding gains and losses be-
    cause all assets and liabilities are revalued so as to
    preserve exactly their purchasing power.

  • Real holding gains and losses (B1032) record the
    diff erence between nominal holding gains and
    losses and neutral holding gains and losses.

Th e balance sheet

A7.72 Th e opening and closing balance sheets for
the general government or public sector are concep-
tually the same in the SNA and GFS. Both datasets
display assets on the left -hand side, and liabilities and
net worth on the right-hand side. Th e changes in the

Balance Sheet in the SNA are the sum of the entries
in the four accumulation accounts corresponding to
the respective asset or liability. Similarly, in GFS the
changes in the Balance Sheet for each category of as-
sets and liabilities are equal to the sum of transactions,
holding gains and losses, and other changes in vol-

the Counterparty 7.9 Classifi cation of Financial Assets and Liabilities by Instrument and Residence of

two frameworks are fully consistent. However, at the
general government or public sector level the value of

A8.3 Classifi cations of Flows and Stock Positions in Assets and Liabilities

diff er due to the diff erent approach to consolidation
(see paragraph A7.11). In practice amounts recorded
as stock positions may also diff er in two cases:

  • Liabilities in respect of employment-related pen-
    sion schemes may diff er, due to the option in the
    SNA to treat some employment-related liabilities
    in supplementary tables (see paragraph 5.95).

  • Assets and liabilities subject to investment in-
    come disbursements may diff er in cases where
    these amounts are unknown to government, and
    therefore excluded from GFS, and would be cal-
    culated only in the context of the whole of the
    economy (see paragraph A7.43).^20

Comparison of the Analytical

Frameworks of GFS and the Balance

of Payments and the International

Investment Position

A7.73 Th e BPM6 serves as the standard frame-
work for statistics on the fl ows and stock positions
between an economy and the rest of the world. Since
the BPM6 is harmonized with the 2008 SNA, it is
also harmonized with the other macroeconomic da-
tasets, including GFS. Because of conceptual link-
ages, compilers of the international accounts and
GFS should consult to ensure the consistent appli-
cation of defi nitions of coverage and concepts, and
accounting rules.

A5.1 Regional Arrangements in the Harmonizing of GFS

Balance of Payments and the International
Investment Position
A7.74 Th e structure of the international statis-
tical framework is similar to the structure used in
the GFS framework, and comprises (i) the balance

(^20) Th e SNA also provides volume measures (including of govern-
ment components)β€”an important type of information for fi scal
analysis that makes the SNA complementary to GFS.

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