GFS and Other Macroeconomic Statistics 375
included in the primary income accounts, and
should be consistent with amounts reported in
GFS (GFS expense item 2815).
- Other primary income: In calculating other pri-
mary income, linkages with the GFS data arise
from the transactions with nonresidents related
to subsidies (GFS revenue item 14411 and GFS ex-
pense item 25) and rent (GFS revenue item 1415
and GFS expense item 2814). Where informa-
tion on such payments or receipts is provided in
the underlying source data, these data should be
consistent with the primary income account. Th e
taxes on production and on imports reported in
the balance of payments primary income account
constitute the portion of these taxes collected
from nonresidents and are the same tax catego-
ries as the corresponding item in the SNA (D2 in
SNA). Taxes on production and on imports are
the sum of several detailed GFS tax categories:- Recurrent taxes on immovable property (GFS
item 1131) - Recurrent taxes on net wealth (GFS item 1132)
- Other recurrent taxes on property (GFS item
- Recurrent taxes on immovable property (GFS
5.3 Detailed Classifi cation of General Taxes on Goods and Services (1141)
- Excises (GFS item 1142)
- Profi ts of fi scal monopolies (GFS item 1143)
- Taxes on specifi c services (GFS item 1144)
Perform Activities (1145) 5.4 Detailed Classifi cation of Taxes on Use of Goods and on Permission to Use Goods or
goods or perform activities—Payable by pro-
ducers (GFS item 1145)
- Other taxes—Payable by business (GFS item
A7.85 To allow consistency checks with the pri-
mary income account in the balance of payments,
these GFS tax categories need to be divided between
amounts receivable from residents and nonresidents.
Th ese subcategories are normally not available from
GFS, and would be useful only for deriving credits in
the primary income account. While certain taxes on
production and imports are easier to divide between
residents and nonresidents, others are more diffi cult.
Also, the portion attributable to nonresidents may
vary from one tax category to the next and from one
year to the next.
Th e secondary income account
A7.86 Th e secondary income account in the bal-
ance of payments shows current transfers between
residents and nonresidents. Th is account shows re-
distribution of income; that is, when resources for
current purposes are provided by one party without
anything of economic value being supplied as a direct
return to that party. Various types of current trans-
fers are recorded in this account to show their role in
the process of income distribution between econo-
mies. Th e extent to which governments are involved
in these transfers will determine the linkages between
the GFS Statement of Operations and this account.
A7.87 Th e standard components of the second-
ary income account make a distinction at the fi rst
level between current transfers receivable/payable by
general government and by other sectors, comprising
the fi nancial corporations, nonfi nancial corporations,
households, and NPISHs. For the general government,
these transfers include the transfers in respect of:
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
- Social contributions
- Social benefi ts
- Net nonlife insurance premiums
- Nonlife insurance claims
- Current international cooperation
- Miscellaneous current transfers.
A7.88 To the extent that the current transfers of
general government are identifi able and reported
in GFS as being from or to nonresidents, these data
should be consistently reported in the secondary in-
come account of the balance of payments. - Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. reported
in the secondary income account make up the
nonresident portion of the same tax categories
as in the 2008 SNA (D5 in SNA). Current taxes
on income, wealth, etc. are the sum of several
detailed tax categories as reported in GFS, and
comprise taxes on income, profi ts and capital
gains (GFS item 111) and several other tax cat-
egories mainly payable by fi nal consumers (see
paragraph A7.40). - Social contributions (D61 in SNA) receivable
from nonresidents by general government sector
units or social benefi ts payable to nonresidents