Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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Th is appendix provides all of the classifi cation codes
used in the GFS framework.

A8.1 Classifi cation codes are used in the GFS sys-
tem to identify types of transactions, other economic
fl ows, and stock positions of assets and liabilities. Th is
appendix presents in one place all of the codes that
were presented in Chapters 5 through 10. Th e overall
organization of the codes is shown in Figure A8.1.
A8.2 Codes beginning with 1 refer to revenue;
codes beginning with 2 refer to expense; and codes
beginning with 3 refer to transactions in nonfi nancial
assets, fi nancial assets, and liabilities. For fi nancial as-
sets and liabilities, the code 3 signifi es transactions
that have been classifi ed by fi nancial instrument.
A8.3 Th e fi rst digit of the classifi cation code for a
specifi c type of other economic fl ow is 4 or 5: codes
beginning with 4 refer to holding gains and losses,
while codes beginning with 5 refer to other changes
in the volume of assets and liabilities. Th e fi rst digit
for total other economic fl ows is 9. For a stock posi-
tion in a type of asset or liability, the fi rst digit of the
classifi cation code is 6.
A8.4 Codes for transactions, other economic
fl ows, and stock positions in assets and liabilities also
identify types of assets and liabilities. Hence, the sec-
ond and subsequent digits of each code are identical
for each type of asset or liability. Th at is, 311 refers
to transactions in fi xed assets, 411 to holding gains
in fi xed assets, 511 to other changes in the volume of
fi xed assets, 911 to total other economic fl ows in fi xed
assets, and 611 to the stock position of fi xed assets.
A8.5 Expense transactions and transactions in non-
fi nancial assets (i.e., expenditure) can also be classifi ed
using the Classifi cation of Functions of Government
(COFOG), as described in the annex to Chapter 6. All
COFOG classifi cation codes begin with 7.
A8.6 Transactions and stock positions in fi nan-
cial assets and liabilities can be classifi ed according

to the residence and institutional sector of the other
party to the fi nancial instrument, as well as according
to the type of fi nancial instrument. When classifi ed
by residence and institutional sector of the counter-
party, the classifi cation codes for transactions begin
with 8 and the classifi cation codes for stock positions
begin with 68. Th e counterparty to the transactions
is not necessarily the same as the counterparty to
the stock positions. While the parties are the same
at the inception of the instrument, they may diff er
for transactions in that instrument. As explained
in paragraph 9.25, in principle, the classifi cation of
general government units’ transactions in fi nancial
assets and liabilities by residence is based on the
residence of the units that were a party to the trans-
action being recorded, whereas the classifi cation of
stock positions in fi nancial assets and liabilities in
a government unit’s balance sheet is based on the
residence of the issuer of fi nancial instruments (as-
sets), and the residence of the holder of the fi nancial
instruments (liabilities). If a transaction in fi nancial
assets or liabilities is between a resident and a non-
resident unit that involves an instrument originally
issued by a resident, an entry in other changes in
the volume of assets (reclassifi cation) is recorded to
maintain the integrated GFS framework of fl ows and
stock positions.
A8.7 In this appendix, the classifi cation codes are
presented in Tables A8.1–A8.6, which illustrate the
standard presentation of these items in GFS. I n prac-
tical applications, this standard presentation could
be used to select subsets of data for various presen-
tational formats. It may also be possible and desirable
to use more detailed classifi cations. Such an expan-
sion can be accomplished by adding another digit to
any given classifi cation code. For example, the clas-
sifi cation code for the stock of transport equipment
is 61121. If types of transport equipment were to be
classifi ed separately, the codes 611211, 611212, and so
forth could be used.

8. GFS Classifi cations.


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