Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Glossary 397

Bills Bills are defi ned as securities (usually short-term) that give holders the uncon-
ditional rights to receive stated fi xed sums on a specifi ed date ................... 7.144

Bonds and debentures Bonds and debentures are securities that give the holders the unconditional
right to fi xed payments or contractually determined variable payments on a
specifi ed date or dates ....................................................................................... 7.146

Book value Book value generally refers to the value recorded in the entities’ records ... 3.115

Budgetary central

Th e budgetary central government is oft en a single unit of the central govern-
ment that encompasses the fundamental activities of the national executive,
legislative, and judiciary powers .........................................................................2.81

Buildings other than

Buildings other than dwellings include whole buildings or parts of buildings
not designated as dwellings. Fixtures, facilities, and equipment that are integral
parts of the structures are included ....................................................................7.46

Capital account in the inter-
national accounts

Th e capital account in the international accounts shows transactions between
residents and nonresidents related to capital transfers receivable and payable
and the acquisition and disposal of nonproduced nonfi nancial assets ......A7.89

Capital claims payable Capital claims payable comprise exceptionally large insurance settlements pay-

able in the wake of a catastrophic event or disaster ...................................... 6.125

Capital claims receivable Capital claims receivable comprise exceptionally large insurance settlements

receivable in the wake of a catastrophic event or disaster .............................5.151

Capital grants Capital grants are capital transfers receivable by government units, from other
resident or nonresident government units or international organizations, that
do not meet the defi nition of a tax, subsidy, or a social contribution ..........5.103

Capital levies Capital levies cover taxes on the values of the assets or net worth owned by in-

stitutional units levied at irregular and very infrequent intervals of time ..... 5.52

Capital taxes Capital taxes are taxes levied at irregular and very infrequent intervals on the
values of the assets or net worth owned by institutional units or on the values
of assets transferred between institutional units as a result of legacies, gift s, or
other transfers .......................................................................................................5.52

Capital transfers Capital transfers are transfers in which the ownership of an asset (other than
cash or inventories) changes from one party to another or that oblige one or both
parties to acquire or dispose of an asset (other than cash or inventories) .......3.16

Capital transfers not else-
where classifi ed

Capital transfers not elsewhere classifi ed are gift s and transfers of a capital na-
ture (other than grants) from individuals, private nonprofi t institutions, non-
governmental foundations, or corporations ....................................................5.148

Captive fi nancial institutions
and money lenders

Captive fi nancial institutions and money lenders are institutional units pro-
viding fi nancial services other than insurance, where most of their assets or
liabilities are not available on open fi nancial markets .....................................2.54

Cash basis of recording In the cash basis of recording, fl ows are recorded when cash is received or dis-

bursed .....................................................................................................................3.6 7

Catastrophic loss A catastrophic loss is the partial or complete destruction of a signifi cantly large

number of assets within any of the asset categories resulting from a large-scale,
discrete, and recognizable event ...................................................................... 10.60
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