Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Glossary 411

Other recurrent taxes on

Other recurrent taxes on property include all recurrent taxes on property other
than immovable property or net wealth .................................................................5.53

Other revenue Other revenue is all revenue receivable excluding taxes, social contributions, and
grants ..................................................................................................................5.6, 5.106

Other social contributions Other social contributions are actual and imputed contributions receivable

by social insurance schemes operated by employers on behalf of their em-
ployees ........................................................................................................................5.98

Other structures Other structures consist of all structures other than buildings ...........................7.48

Other subsidies on

Other subsidies on production are subsidies that enterprises receive as a con-
sequence of engaging in production but that are not related to specifi c pro-
ducts ............................................................................................................................6.90

Other taxes Other taxes cover revenue from taxes levied predominantly on a base or bases not

elsewhere classifi ed, and unidentifi ed taxes ...........................................................5.93

Other taxes on goods and

Other taxes on goods and services includes taxes on the extraction of minerals,
fossil fuels, and other exhaustible resources from deposits owned privately or by
another government and any other taxes on goods or services not included in
categories 1141 through 1145 ..................................................................................5.82

Other taxes on use of goods
and on permission to use
goods or perform activities

Other taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform ac-
tivities include business and professional licenses that consist of taxes paid
by enterprises in order to obtain a license to carry on a particular kind of
business or profession and taxes payable by individuals to perform certain
activities ......................................................................................................................5.81

Own funds Own funds are defi ned as the diff erence between total assets (at market values)

and total liabilities excluding shares and other equity (at market value) .........7.231

Partitioning Partitioning records a transaction that is a single transaction from the perspective
of the parties involved as two or more diff erently classifi ed transactions .........3.29

Pension entitlements Pension entitlements are fi nancial claims that existing and future pensioners hold
against either their employer or a fund designated by the employer, to pay pen-
sions earned as part of a compensation agreement between the employer and em-
ployee ........................................................................................................................7.190

Pensions and other retire-
ment benefi ts

Pensions and other retirement benefi ts are payable when individuals cease em-
ployment upon retirement ...................................................................................... A2.6

Permit to undertake a spe-
cifi c activity

A permit to undertake a specifi c activity is an asset for the holder when: (i)  the
permits are limited in number and so allow the holders to earn monopoly profi ts,
(ii) the monopoly profi ts do not come from the use of an asset belonging to the
permit-issuer, and (iii) a permit holder is able both legally and practically to sell
the permit to a third party ......................................................................................7.110

Permits to use natural

Permits to use natural resources are third-party property rights relating to natural
resources ...................................................................................................................7.109

Premium earned Th e premium earned is the part of the actual premium that relates to coverage

provided in the reporting period..........................................................................A4.75
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