Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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434 Index

other changes in volume of, 8.31,
10.51–10.52, 10.60
recording transaction, 8.50–8.53
rent receivable/payable on, 5.122,
5.126–5.128, 5.132, 6.51, 6.120
resource lease on, 5.125, A4.17,
structures on, 8.51
taxes on, 5.49, 5.52, 5.53
valuation of, 7.94, 8.11
See also Land improvements
Land improvements
classifi cation of, 7.49–7.50, 8.50,
Table 7.3
consumption of fi xed capital on,
7.51, 8.31, 8.53
defi nition of, 7.49
land and, 7.50
recording transactions in, 7.94, 8.7,
valuation of, 7.51
Late interest, 9.22
as assets, A4.53–A4.57, Box A4.3
types of, A4.4–A4.17. See also specifi c
type, Financial leases; Operating
leases; and Resource leases
See also Contracts, leases, and licenses
Legal and social entities, 2.30–2.38
Legal ownership, 3.38–3.41, 5.141, 7.4–
7.5, 7.96, 7.158, A4.4, A4.37, A4.62
Letters of credit, 7.13, 7.207, 7.259
classifi cation of, 1.21, 4.27–4.30,
7.118–7.227, Table 7.9
consolidation of, 3.163
contingent liabilities versus, 7.13
defi nition of, 3.45, 4.45, 7.15
fi nancial claims and, 3.47, 7.15
holding gains and losses, 3.33,
3.100, 4.37
in calculation of net worth, 1.17, 7.1
in government fi nance framework,
1.15, 1.30, 4.22, Figure 4.1
net presentation of, 3.148
nonfi nancial, 3.44
other changes in the volume of, 3.35,
other economic fl ows, 3.31,
reclassifi cation of, 3.101–3.102,

recording of transactions in, 1.34,
3.4, 4.26–4.31
relation with debt, 7.236–7.237
sources of, 3.45–3.46
time of recording transactions in,
3.60, 3.93–3.97
types of liabilities, 3.45–3.46
valuation of, 3.111, 3.113–3.115,
See also Financial assets and liabili-
ties and Contingent liabilities
as asset sale versus rent, 5.124,
7.109, A4.21, Box A4.1
business, 5.81
compulsory, 5.138
original copies, 7.65
to make use of natural resources,
5.54, 5.78, A4.18–A4.35,
Figure A4.1
to use goods, or to perform specifi c
activities, 5.55, 5.72–5.75, 5.81,
A4.36–A4.50, Box A4.2, Table 5.4
to use motor vehicles, 5.55, 5.72–5.75,
See also Contracts, leases, and
licenses; Fees and licenses
Life insurance, 7.178–7.179, 7.187–7.188,
9.62, 10.71, A4.69
nonlife versus, 7.183
Lines of credit, 7.13, 7.259
Liquidation corporations. See Restruc-
turing agencies
Liquidity management, 3.67, 4.29,
4.31, Box 4.1, 7.123, 9.12
arrears of, 3.71, 7.247, 9.21
as debt instrument, 7.236, 7.243
classifi cation of, 7.157–7.162,
concessional, 2.162, 3.123, 5.108, 6.17,
7.246, 9.12, A3.39–A3.41, Box 6.2
consolidated statistical presentation,
control of corporations through,
Box 2.2
defi nition of, 7.157
from International Monetary Fund,
guarantees, 7.259
index-linked, 9.41. See also Index-
linked debt

net presentation of, 3.148, 9.4
nonperforming, 7.262–7.263
on-lending of borrowed funds,
A3.72–A3.78, Table A3.1
other changes in volume of, 10.57
reclassifi cation of, 7.149, 7.157, 10.84
time of recording disbursement of,
to employees, 5.108, 6.17, A2.9
valuation of, 7.163, 9.23, A3.8
Local government
defi nition of, 2.95
extrabudgetary units of, 2.82–2.83
functions of, 2.95–2.97
general government sector and,
2.58, 2.62, Figures 2.2 and 2.3
institutional units of, 2.80, 2.99
nonmarket NPIs of, 2.83
social security funds of, 2.78
Lotteries, 5.63, 5.66–5.69, 5.114
Lottery winnings, 5.41–5.42

Machinery and equipment, 6.37,
6.43, 6.49, 7.7, 7.35, 7.37–7.38,
7.52–7.57, 7.88, 8.33, Table 7.4
Maintenance and repairs
classifi cation as expense, 6.45
defi ning features of, 8.27
major improvements versus,
Major improvements to fi xed assets.
See Maintenance and repairs
Margins, 7.219–7.220, 9.75
Maritime territories, 2.9
Marketable operating leases, 7.107,
7.108, 8.57, A4.56, Table 7.8
Market producers
characteristics of, 2.32, 2.66–2.69,
classifi cation of revenue from
sales of goods and services by,
corporations as, 2.31, 2.33
defi nition of, 2.65
establishments as, 2.24, 2.76, 2.75
identifi cation of, 2.64–2.75
in government fi nance framework,
nonmarket producers versus,
2.64–2.75, Figure 2.4. See also
Nonmarket producers
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