
(coco) #1


When growing indoors try to consider
certain factors cropping up in the near future.
Like visits from repairmen or gasmen. Some
growers have a grow room which they can sweep
clean in under 1 minute. This means that they
have a closet near by where they can quickly
move their plants too, if any visitors do pop
Always keep your security closet near your
grow area. It is no good walking around your
house with five or more plants in your arms. It
is a bad idea to use your toilet for the backup
security area unless you have another one that
the guest can use.
Apart from this backup area the other thing
you must consider with indoor security is the
smell. Now Super Skunk and Skunk#1 are very
smelly plants. When the plant is in flowering
she begins to stink.....Hence the name - Skunk.
If you live in an apartment complex then there
is no way you will be able to hide the smell
unless you have some form of an EXTRACTOR FAN
or an OZONE GENERATOR (Figure 4.1).
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