
(coco) #1

systems. The better the lighting kit, the
better the lumens it will cast. Lumens have
more to do with the design of the light than
the wattage of the light itself. Some 600W
lights may give the same lumens as a 400W
light. Have a look at this chart:

This is interesting because we have two
types of HPS lights using the same bulb wattage
and one of the types is casting more Lumens
than the other. The reason for this is that the
higher lumens kit is better quality than the
other. So we now know that some lighting kits
produce better Lumens than others. Check
through HID lighting kits and look at how many
lumens they cast. This is a good indicator of
how professional that light is. Also a 4000W
HID is too much for one single plant. A 1K bulb
is the maximum limit per light you should use.
Use several 1K bulbs if you need more light. A
4K bulb will bleach Cannabis and is very hot.


M.V 175 8000

M.H 400 36000

H.P.S 600 45000

H.P.S 600 36000
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