
(coco) #1


Soil comes in many types and varieties.
What you will find as you go along is that you
will add various ingredients to your soil to
improve plant growth.
The Cannabis plant will grow long and
winding roots into the soil. These roots absorb
water and other minerals from the soil to help
it grow. The soil also goes through dry periods
when you do not water your plant or when the
plant has absorbed most of the water. During
these dry periods air is allowed to creep in
between the soil particles, allowing the roots
to breathe.
There are 3 main factors to look at when
buying soil. (1) pH, (2) Nutrients and (3)


pH is a way of measuring how much acid and
alkaline is in the soil. The pH scale runs from
1 - 14. 7 is neutral, 0 is very acidic and 14
is very alkaline. Cannabis plants in soil like
a pH of 7. When choosing your soil you should
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