
(coco) #1

meter to study the effects. What you will find
is that you will get to know your soil better
than I could describe here and know what it
needs. Advanced growers know how much lime they
need to bump their acidic soil back to 7. They
know this by trial and error. This is one thing
about cannabis growing. The best cannabis
growers grow good cannabis because they have
made many mistakes in the past. Learning is an
experience and that is why people enjoy
growing. They like to learn more and experience
more. Don't let a bad growing encounter put you

pH - bringing back to neutral from Alkaline:

If the pH of your soil is too alkaline then
you may want to bring it back to a natural 7.
To correct this you need to make your soil more
acidic. Here is a list of ingredients that can
each be used to return your plants PH to 7.

  • Cottonseed meal

  • Lemon peels

  • Ground coffee

  • Some Fertilizers also are very acidic and can
    bring the pH down to 7.

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