
(coco) #1

not take as many plants for ScrOG grow as
compared to SOG. One should allow at least 1
square foot per flowering plant in a ScrOG
This method also takes anywhere from 1 to 3
weeks longer per grow because we will be in a
vegetative stage longer than a SOG grow.
The plants are trained to grow horizontally
under the screen until they are 2 weeks into
the flowering cycle. At this point you let the
tops grow vertically through the screen. One
should always train the main growing tops to
the outside of the screen. They always grow the
tallest, and we want the tallest to be on the
perimeter of the screen. As the tops grow
vertically, push the large fan leaves down
under the screen, allowing the light to get to
all the developing bud sites. If leaf growth is
excessive, one should first cut the finger in
half making a shorter leaf and allowing light
to get to the bud site. Leaving half the leaf
on the plant still allows it to make energy for
the plant to grow. Taking a whole fan leaf away
in one go can stunt growth.
In a week take off the rest of it. Some do
not remove leaf at all, but I do it to help
with air movement, reduce chance of mould or
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