
(coco) #1

fungus, and to allow light to penetrate the bud
sites. Just remember to remove a little at a
time if you do remove leaf.
At this point flowers are forming and
growing vertically creating a carpet of bud
above the screen. Now we go below the screen
and remove all the lateral branches and stray
bud sites. The canopy has thickened up enough
now that light is blocked from reaching this
lower growth. It is only sucking away your
plant’s energy from the buds under the light.
Remove all branches that have not made it to
the screen and the stray bud sites. We want the
plant to concentrate all it’s grow energy on
the developing flowers above the canopy.
The main 3 differences between a SOG and
ScrOG grow is the number of plants grown, the
screen, and the slightly longer grow cycle of
the ScrOG. Both methods can be done under the
same light and in soil or with hydroponics.
There are many variations of the ScrOG grow,
but they all contain the same principles. There
are the V-ScrOG, Stadium ScrOG, Flat ScrOG, and
the Cylinder ScrOG grows in today’s homes. I
think you can picture what these look like.
They work the same way but just have a
different shape.
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