
(coco) #1

more of its energy into upper-body growth
rather than putting that energy into roots
searching for water and air. Now having said
this, hydroponically grown plants produce
massive root clusters and I mean a big mass of
One can easily pick up a 2-gallon bucket
full of root growth from a single plant! This
is because roots thrive in hydroponics systems.
Hydroponics has become a fast growing trend in
cannabis cultivation. It does require a certain
degree of maintenance, but the results are
sometimes incredible. On the other hand if a
hydroponics system is not well maintained the
whole unit may fail and kill your plants very
quickly. This is the biggest problem that the
hydroponics grower has to contend with.
Hydroponics, when done correctly, can
produce a flowering plant up to 3/4 the normal
time that it would take with a soil grow. That
is right! Hydroponics can grow bigger and
better buds in 3/4 the time it takes to grow
the same strain in soil.
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