
(coco) #1

as the temperature is not too low and there is
enough sunlight and food present for the plant
to flourish. In Asia, one can travel to the
various regions around Mongolia and visit the
cannabis plant naturally growing on the
hillsides and across the vast plains, sometimes
covering entire hill faces and spreading down
onto the valley below. The Cannabis plant is a
very adaptable plant and can grow both in and
The Cannabis plant has managed to travel
across the globe without the help of man. The
seed has been carried by the wind, in bird
droppings and has attached itself to animals
that can, and do, trek over long distances.
As you can see Mother Nature has distributed
this plant in many ways.
The origins of the Cannabis plant are not
entirely clear but today it is generally
recognized by most biologists and cannabis
researchers that it began it’s life somewhere
in the Himalayas (Figure 1.1).
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