
(coco) #1

Partial Dominance

Now that we have explained the basics of
dominant and recessive, you can move on to the
next step.
Some gene loci in plants have more than two
possibilities. These are sometimes referred to
as ‘partially dominant genes’ and are usually
given some type of secondary marker such as B’
or B".
They work just like dominant and recessives
except that there are more than two options. If
a gene is dominant over another gene, it will
win. Just like a dominant will win a recessive.

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium


An understanding of breeding concepts
requires a basic understanding of Hardy-
Weinberg’s Equilibrium. Breeding depends upon
the knowledge of population genetics. To
understand the value of the H/W Equilibrium,
you may have to ask yourself a question like
this before.

If certain diseases are a dominant trait,
then why haven’t large sections of the
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