
(coco) #1

can get. It will continue to grow upwards
producing new leaves as it moves along (Figure
2.13). It will also produce a thicker stem with
thicker branches and with more fingers on the
leaves. It will eventually start to show its
sex. When it does this it is time for the
plant’s pre-flowering stage. It can take
anywhere between 1 and 5 months for the plant
to hit this next stage.


At this stage the plant slows down in
developing its height and starts to produce
more branches and nodes. The plant fills out in
the pre-flowering stage. During this phase of
the plant cycle your plant will start to show a
calyx which appears where the branches meet the
stem (nodes). Pre-flowering can take anywhere
between 1 day to 2 weeks. (See last page of
this book for pre-flowering/calyx illustration)
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