Contemporary Poetry

(nextflipdebug2) #1

92 contemporary poetry

  • Poetry serves an important role in its voicing against war as well
    as chronicling war experiences from the perspectives of both
    combat soldier and citizen.

  • Poetry has a political role in excavating past histories and grant-
    ing articulation to silenced voices.


1. Mark Brown, ‘Carol Ann Duffy Leaps into Expenses Row with
First Offi cial Poem as Laureate’, The Guardian, 13 June 2009 ,
p. 1. Available online at 2009 /
jun/ 12 /carol-ann-duffy-politics-laureate.
2. Tony Blair’s infamous declaration was made on New Labour’s
1997 landslide victory in the United Kingdom, 1 May 1997.
3. Carol Ann Duffy, ‘Politics’, in The Guardian, 13 June 2009 ,
p. 1. Available online at 2009 /
jun/ 12 /politics-carol-ann-duffy-poem.
4. W. H. Auden, ‘In Memory of W. B Yeats’, in Edward
Mendelson (ed.), The English Auden: Poems Essay and Dramatic
Writings, 1927 – 1939 (London: Faber & Faber, 1977 ), p. 242.
All subsequent references to this edition are given in the text.
5. P. B. Shelley, ‘A Defence Of Poetry’ [ 1821 ], in David Lee
Clark (ed.), Shelley’s Prose (Albuquerque, NM: University of
New Mexico Press, 1954 ), pp. 275 – 97 (p. 297 ).
6. Theodor Adorno, ‘Cultural Criticism and Society’, in Prisms,
trans. Samuel Weber and Shierry Weber (Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, [ 1949 ] 1981 ), p. 34.
7. Theodor Adorno, ‘Selections from Metaphysics: Concepts
and Problems Lecture Fourteen’, in Rolf Tiedemann (ed.),
Can One Live After Auschwitz?: A Philosophical Reader, trans.
Rodney Livingstone (Stanford, CT: Stanford University
Press, 2003 ), p. 435.
8. Rand Brandes, ‘Seamus Heaney: An Interview’, Salmagundi,
80 ( 1988 ), 21.
9. Jerome Rothenberg, ‘Khurbn and Holocaust: Poetry After
Auschwitz’, Dialectical Anthropology, 24. 3 – 4 ( 1999 ), 279 – 91
(p. 287 ).
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