Contemporary Poetry

(nextflipdebug2) #1
xx contemporary poetry

Date Historical Events Literary Events
1990 German Federal Republic Chancellor Derek Walcott, Omeros;
Helmut Kohl proceeds with the early Joy Harjo, In Mad Love
reunifi cation of Germany; John Major and War
replaces Margaret Thatcher as Prime
Minister of the UK; the Iraqi forces
of Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait.

1991 The Gulf War, militarily codenamed Anne Szumigalski, Rapture
Operation Desert Storm, begins as of the Deep
American, British, Saudi and
Egyptian forces succeed in dislodging
the Iraqi army of Saddam Hussein
from Kuwait.
1992 Democratic candidate William Derek Walcott wins the
Jefferson Clinton becomes forty- Nobel Prize for Literature;
second President of the USA, Maya Angelou, ‘On the
defeating President George Bush and Pulse of Morning’;
third party candidate Ross Perot in Benjamin Zephaniah, City
the Presidential election, Clinton won Psalms
43 per cent of the popular vote.

1993 The European Union is established Carolyn Forché, Against
by the Treaty of Maastricht. Forgetting: Twentieth
Century Poetry of Witness;
Jackie Kay, Other Lovers;
Paul Durcan, A Snail in my
Prime: New and Selected
1995 The US-led war against the ruling Seamus Heaney wins the
Taliban begins in Afghanistan. Nobel Prize for Literature;
Gwyneth Lewis, Parables
& Faxes; Sujata Bhatt, The
Stinking Rose

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