Contemporary Poetry

(nextflipdebug2) #1
chronology xxi

Date Historical Events Literary Events
1996 John Howard leads the Liberal- Charles Bernstein, ‘Poetics
National coalition to victory to of the Americas’
become twenty-fi fth Prime Minister
of Australia.

1997 Labour leader Tony Blair becomes
British Prime Minister.
1998 President Bill Clinton is impeached Lee Harwood, Morning
by the House of Representatives but Light
is subsequently acquitted by the US
Senate; the Good Friday agreement
signed in Northern Ireland clears the
way for a power-sharing executive; a
bomb planted by the Republican
splinter group the Real IRA kills
twenty-nine people and injures two
hundred in Omagh, Co. Tyrone.

1999 Hugo Chávez becomes President of Jennifer Moxley,
Venezuela. Imagination Verses;
Li-Young Lee, The Winged
Seed; Simon Armitage,
Killing Time; Caroline
Bergvall, Goan Atom
2000 George W. Bush narrowly defeats Michael Palmer, The
Vice President Al Gore, after a Promises of Glass
number of recounts in Florida and a
case taken to the US Supreme Court,
to become forty-third President of the
United States of America.

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