Contemporary Poetry

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introduction 23

  1. Alvarez, The New Poetry, p. 25.

  2. John Berryman, ‘Dream Song 14 ’, in Selected Poems 1938 – 1968
    (London: Faber & Faber, 1977 ), p. 73.

  3. Al Alvarez, The Writer’s Voice (London: Bloomsbury, 2005 ),
    p. 17.

  4. Donald Allen (ed.), The New American Poetry Revised (New
    York: Grove Press, 1982 ), p. 9.

  5. Donald Allen and Warren Tallman (eds), The Poetics of the
    New American Poetry (New York: Grove Press, 1973 ).

  6. Adrienne Rich, ‘Blood, Bread and Poetry: The Location of
    the Poet’, Massachusetts Review, 24. 3 ( 1983 ), 521 – 40 (p. 535 ).
    Originally given as a lecture in 1979.

  7. Adrienne Rich, The Fact of a Doorframe: Poems Selected and
    New 1950 – 1984 (New York: Norton & Norton, 1984 ), p. 91.
    All subsequent references to this edition are given in the text.

  8. Annie Finch and Susan M. Schultz (eds), Multiformalisms:
    Postmodern Poetics of Form (Cincinnati: WordTech
    Communications, 2008 ).

  9. Schmidt, New Poetries, p. 9.

  10. Schmidt, New Poetries, pp. 9 – 10.

  11. Derek Walcott, Omeros (London: Faber & Faber, 1990 ), p. 23.
    All subsequent references to this edition are given in the text.

  12. Derek Walcott, ‘Leaving School’, in Hinterland: Caribbean
    Poetry from the West Indies and Britain, ed. E. A. Markham
    (Newcastle: Bloodaxe, 1989 ), p. 93.

  13. Jeff Hilson (ed.), The Reality Book of Sonnets (Hastings: Reality
    Street Editions, 2008 ).

  14. Geraldine Monk, Ghost & Other Sonnets (Cambridge: Salt,
    2008 ).

  15. Laynie Browne, Daily Sonnets (Denver, CO: Counterpath,
    2008 ).

  16. Jahan Ramazani, A Transnational Poetics (Chicago: Chicago
    University Press, 2009 ), p. 19.

  17. Bruce Robbins, Feeling Global: Internationalism in Distress
    (New York: New York University Press, 1999 ), p. 15.

  18. Schmidt, New Poetries, p. 11.

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