- dendrimers with one or more metal complexes as branching
centers (Fig. 2a and b); - dendrimers capable of coordinating one or more metal ions in
their cavities (Fig. 2c and d); - dendrimers assembled around metal ions without or with
other ligands (Fig. 2e and f).
We will focus on the remarkable luminescent properties of
selected examples of compounds belonging to the above-mentioned
For the sake of simplicity, electronic transitions in metal
complexes are usually classified on the basis of the predominant
localization, on the metal or on the ligand(s), of the molecular
orbitals involved in the transition ( 4 ). This assumption leads
to the well-known classification of the electronic excited states
of metal complexes into three types, namely, metal-centered
(MC), ligand-centered (LC), and charge-transfer (CT). The CT
excited states can be further classified as ligand-to-metal
charge-transfer (LMCT) and metal-to-ligand charge-transfer
II. Intrinsic Photochemical and Photophysical Properties of
Organic Dendrimers
Organic dendrimers are constituted by molecular components
that can absorb light and, often, undergo luminescence. It is
therefore worthwhile recalling some fundamental aspects of the
processes that follow light excitation of an organic molecule and
then the complications that may arise because of the interactions
among nearby molecular components.
Figure 3a shows a schematic energy level diagram for a mole-
cule that could be a chromophoric and luminescent unit of an
organic dendrimer. In most cases, the ground state of a molecule
is a singlet state (S 0 ), and the excited states are either singlets
(S 1 , S 2 , etc.) or triplets (T 1 ,T 2 , etc.). In principle, transitions
between states having the same spin value are allowed, whereas
those between states of different spin are forbidden. Therefore,
the electronic absorption bands observed in the UV–visible spec-
trum of molecules usually correspond to S 0 !Sn transitions.
When a molecule is excited to upper singlet excited states, it usu-
ally undergoes a fast and 100% efficient radiationless deactiva-
tion (internal conversion, ic) to the lowest excited singlet,S 1.
Such an excited state undergoes deactivation via three compet-
ing processes: nonradiative decay to the ground state (internal