Cover_Rebuilding West Africas Food Potential

(Jeff_L) #1

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction and motivation 45
    1.1 General context and scene setting 45
    1.2 Study objectives 49

  2. Traditional export commodity model: historical overview and case studies 52
    2.1 Overview 52
    2.2 Case studies 58
    A. The groundnut value chain in Senegal: slow decline of a state-controlled sector 58
    B. The cocoa value chain in Côte d’Ivoire: a failed case of cooperatives control 60
    C. The cotton value chain in Mali: A weakened sector, too important to privatise 63
    D. Lessons learned from these case studies 65

  3. High-value private-led export commodity model 66
    3.1 Context and significance 66
    3.2 Case studies 67
    A. The pineapple value chain in Ghana: Strong potential but not for smallholders 67
    B. The banana sector in Côte d’Ivoire: Liberalization improves competitiveness but
    marginalizes smallholders 68
    C. Lessons from the case studies: implications for smallholder inclusiveness 69

  4. Staple food value chains and the search for an appropriate
    development model 70
    4.1 Characteristics of staple food value chains 70
    4.2 Case studies 71
    A. The cassava sector in Ghana: A dichotomy between local markets and
    the export sector 71
    B. The maize sector in Burkina Faso: Obstacles and opportunities
    for a developing multi-market value chain 73

  5. Conclusion 75

  6. References 78

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