Chapter 2. A historical comparative analysis of commodity development models in West Africa 81
Annexe 1. A few parastatals and their functions
Country –
main value
Institution Roles and tools
- Cotton,
Coffee, Cocoa
Office National de Commercialisation
des Produits de base
- Infrastructure maintenance
- Provision of inputs
- Determines producer buying price
- Cotton, cocoa and coffee export monopoly
- Taxation of products
- Issues export visas
Côte d’Ivoire - Cotton,
Coffee, Cocoa
CAISTAB • Determines prices along the value chain
according to a rating grid
- Production quality control
- Taxation of production
- Stabilizes transport costs
- Production marketing
- Distributes export quotas
- Anticipated average sales Programme
Ghana –
Ghana Cocoa Marketing Board • Production quality control
- Stabilises producer buying price
- Buys production from producers through the
Produce Buying Company monopoly - Export and local processing monopoly
- Export Taxation
Mali – Cotton Compagnie Malienne pour le
Développement des Textiles - Provision of inputs and credit
- Provision of public services around production
(agricultural training, provision of equipment,
agricultural research) - Maintenance and construction of rural roads and
infrastructure - Administrative fixing of producer prices
- Imports / Exports control through the Société
Malienne d’Importation et d’Exportation
Sénégal –
Office National de Coopération et d’Assistance
d’Aide au Développement (jusque 1980) puis
Société Nationale de Commercialisation des
Oléagineux du Sénégal
- Provision of equipment
- Subsidised prices and inputs
- Determines production prices
- Processing monopoly
- Marketing monopoly
- Groundnut export monopoly
- Supervision of Agricultural Cooperatives
Sources: Courade et al., (1991), Tefft (2004), Conte (2004), Akiyama et al. (2001), Kaminski ( 2001), Yiriwa Conseil (2001)